2022 - 2023
Commission of stylized self-portraits (2023)
Ruby Moon and Spinel Sun from Cardcaptor Sakura for the "Starlighter Sakura" zine (2023)
Submission for the Object Head Zine 10th Anniversary celebration zine (2023)
Commission of Kokoro from Magia Record and Shamiko from Machikado Mazoku (2023)
Madokami from Puella Magi Madoka Magica for the "Earth Love 2023" zine (2023)
Kreide from Arknights for the "Arknights: Operator Archives" zine (2023)
Commission of Mikage and Mitama from Magia Record (2022)
Jun and Mitsune from Magia Record for the "Again Tomorrow" zine (2022)
Commission of EVA-Beatrice from Umineko When They Cry (2022)
Henryk & Gascoigne's family for the "For Whom The Bell Chimes" zine (2022)
Commission of Koume from Urara Meirochou (2022)
Madokami from Puella Magi Madoka Magica for the "Earth Love 2022" zine (2022)
Gâteau from Tokyo Mew Mew for the "Sweet Mewmories" zine (2022)
Madoka and Iroha from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Magia Record for the Newport magical girl zine (2022)
Hieheart and Jujy from Witch Hat Atelier for the "Hemisphere" zine (2022)
Commission of Ren from Magia Record (2021)
Personal fanart of Madokami from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2021)
Commission of a June Bride design for Emiri from Magia Record (2021)
Mami and Kyouko from Puella Magi Madoka Magica for the "Bringers of Hope" zine (2021)
Lailah and Rose from Tales of Zestiria for the "Red Saffron" zine (2021)
Personal fanart of Aegis from Tales of Crestoria (2021)
Personal fanart of Jun and Mitsune from Magia Record (2021)
Tuye from Arknights for the "Arknights: Operator Archives" zine (2021)
Self-portrait (2021)
Personal fanart of Rika and Ren from Magia Record (2021)
Personal original artwork inspired by fashion, #1 (2021)
Personal original artwork inspired by fashion, #2 (2021)
Personal original artwork inspired by fashion, #3 (2021)
Giveaway illustration of Mitama from Magia Record (2024)
Giveaway illustration of Ikumi from Magia Record (2024)
Giveaway illustration of Felicia from Magia Record (2024)
Chibis of magical girl designs for Ford Pines, Stan Pines, and Fiddleford McGucket from "Gravity Falls" (2024)
Younger age variant of the magical girl chibis for Ford Pines, Stan Pines, and Fiddleford McGucket from "Gravity Falls" (2024)
Prize illustration of Juri Ooba from "Magia Record" (2024)
Commission of OCs
Magitober (2024)
Sakurako from "Magia Record" (Original)
Sakurako from "Magia Record" (Redraw)
Himena Aika from "Magia Record"
Yozuru Sasame from "Magia Record"
Chika Aoba from "Magia Record"
Emiri Kisaki from "Magia Record"
Mami Tomoe from "Puella Magi Madoka Magica"
Ui Tamaki from "Magia Record"
Mitama Yakumo (Eternal Darkness ver.) from "Magia Record"
Takina Inoue ('Magia Record' ver.) from "Lycoris Recoil"
Mabayu Aki from "Magia Record"
Ayaka Mariko from "Magia Record"
Asahi Miura from "Magia Record"
Hotaru Yura from "Magia Record"
Shirogane from "Magia Record"
Jun Kazari from "Magia Record"
Yuna Kureha from "Magia Record"
Yukika Nanase from "Magia Record"
Amaryllis from "Magia Record"
Pernelle from "Tart Magica"
Ryou Midori from "Magia Record"
Mikoto Sena from "Magia Record"
Amiya from "Arknights"
Seika Kumi from "Magia Record"
Hinano Miyako from "Magia Record"
Tsuruno Yui (Uwasa ver.) from "Magia Record"
Meru Anna from "Magia Record"
Rabi Himuro (Kimochi ver.) from "Magia Record"
Mitsune Miwa from "Magia Record"
Kokoro Awane & Masara Kagami (Bride ver.) from "Magia Record"
Sakuya Suzuka from "Magia Record"
Karin Misono from "Magia Record"
2021 - 2022
Anniversary celebration artwork for Magia Union Translations featuring Infiroha and Ashley (2022)
Madokami and Akumura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica for the "Bringers of Hope" zine (2021)
Personal fanart of Sakurako from Magia Record (2021)
Ichigo, Ringo, Berry, Minto, Lettuce, Purin, and Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew for the "Sweet Mewmories" zine (2022)
Zine Participation

Starlighter Sakura (2023)
A steampunk/gaslamp Cardcaptor Sakura zine
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Ruby Moon
➤ Format: Free digital PDF (donation optional)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StarlighterCCS
Itch.io: https://fallenribbon.itch.io/starlighter-sakura

Object Head Zine
10th Anniversary (2023)
Celebrating 10 years of Object Head zine projects
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring an OC
➤ Format: Free digital PDF (donation optional)
Tumblr: https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ObjectHeadZine
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/objectheadzine

Operator Archives (2023)
A zine aiming to feature every Operator up through 4th Anniversary
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Tuye
➤ Format: Pay what you want digital PDF only (proceeds donated to WWF charity), no merch
Carrd: https://operatorarchives.carrd.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArknightsOA
Gumroad: https://arknightsoa.gumroad.com/l/OperatorArchives

Earth Love (2023)
A Madoka Magica zine celebrating Earth Day with Madokami
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Ultimate Madoka
➤ Format: Free digital PDF only, no merch
Carrd: https://dotzines.carrd.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dotzines
Itch.io: https://dotzines.itch.io/earth-love-2023

For Whom The Bell Chimes (2022)
A Bloodborne NPCs zine
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Henryk and the Gascoigne family
➤ Format: Paid physical printed zine and digital pdf, physical merch
Tumblr: https://vermilionzines.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vermilionzines
Big Cartel: https://vermilionzines.bigcartel.com

Hemisphere (2022)
A Witch Hat Atelier five seasons zine
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Hieheart and Jujy
➤ Format: Paid physical printed zine and digital pdf, physical merch
Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/whaseasonzine
Twitter: https://twitter.com/whaseasonzine

Sweet Mewmories (2022)
A Tokyo Mew Mew Spring/Summer celebration zine
Role: Page, Digital Merch Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Gâteau
➤ Merch: 1 wallpaper featuring chibi Ichigo, Minto, Retasu, Purin, Zakuro, Ringo, and Berry
➤ Format: Free digital PDF only, free digital merch
Carrd: https://tmmzine.carrd.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tmm_zine
Itch.io: https://1shimaru.itch.io/sweet-mewmories

Again Tomorrow (2022)
Tribute to Jun & Mitsune from MagiReco
Role: Host, Social Media, Graphics, Formatting, Page Artist, Cover Artist
➤ Page: 1 cover illustration featuring Jun and Mitsune, 2 old illustrations
➤ Format: Free digital PDF only, no merch
Carrd: https://atzine.carrd.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JunMitsuZine
Itch.io: https://serendark.itch.io/againtomorrow

Newport Zine vol. 5 (2022)
A magical girl themed zine
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Madoka and Iroha
➤ Format: Paid physical printed zine and digital pdf, no merch
Website: https://www.newport.rip
IG: https://www.instagram.com/newportzine/
Gumroad: https://newportpress.gumroad.com

Earth Love (2022)
A Madoka Magica zine celebrating Earth Day with Madokami
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Ultimate Madoka
➤ Format: Free digital PDF only, no merch
Carrd: https://dotzines.carrd.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dotzines
Itch.io: https://dotzines.itch.io/earth-love-2022.

Red Saffron (2021)
A zine celebrating WLW relationships in the Tales Of franchise
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Lailah & Rose
➤ Format: Paid physical printed zine and digital pdf, physical merch
Carrd: https://redsaffronzine.carrd.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedSaffronZine

Operator Archives (2021)
A zine aiming to feature every Operator up through 2nd Anniversary
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Tuye
➤ Format: Pay what you want digital PDF only (proceeds donated to WWF charity), no merch
Carrd: https://operatorarchives.carrd.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArknightsOA
Gumroad: https://arknightsoa.gumroad.com/l/OperatorArchives

Bringers of Hope (2021)
A magical Madoka Magica zine
Role: Page, Digital Merch Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Kyouko & Mami
➤ Merch: 1 printable hanging paper decoration featuring chibi Madokami and Akumura
➤ Format: Free digital PDF only, free digital merch
Carrd: https://hopebringers.carrd.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/madokafanzine
Itch.io: https://madoka-fanzine.itch.io/bringers-of-hope

Bittersweet (2019)
A Magia Record sweets themed zine
Role: Page, Cover, and Physical Merch Artist
➤ Page: 3 illustrations featuring Leila, Seika, & Tsuruno; cover art collab focusing on sweets
➤ Merch: 1 small charm featuring Little Kyubey; 1 sticker featuring Kuro; 3 sticker collaborations featuring Alina, Touka, and Nemu
➤ Format: Paid physical printed zine and digital pdf, physical merch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MagiRecoZine
Tumblr: https://magirecozine.tumblr.com

FashionWatch (2018)
An Overwatch fashion zine
Role: Page Artist
➤ Page: 1 illustration featuring Bastion
➤ Format: Paid digital PDF only, proceeds to charity, no merch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fshnwatchzine
About Me
Hello! I'm SerenDark.
She/Her | 20's | Demi bisexual, poly
➤ I really like character-focused illustrations and hope to improve at storytelling, backgrounds, and scenery! I aspire to depict gentle, tender, and raw emotional scenes, really embedding emotions into the moods of my work.
➤ I'm trying to get better at drawing the different themes I love, and I want to improve at depicting varied bodies and LGBTQIA+ content.
➤ My aesthetic tastes range from gritty otherworldly horror to whimsical fantasy or just plain cuteness! I adore magic, magical girls, misc. fantasy, tragedy, body horror, monsters, and thought-provoking or thoughtful stories. I like to cry.
➤ I really like videogames and anime/manga!
Some of my favorite games include: Soulsborne, Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, the Tales Of franchise, the Half-Life & Portal games (including Portal Stories: Mel and hlvrai), Transistor, Arknights, and Darkest Dungeon! I also love RPG Maker horror games like Ib, OFF, Misao, The Witch's House, Mad Father, and Angels of Death.Some of my favorite anime/manga series include: Madoka Magica & Magia Record, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Land of the Lustrous, Pandora Hearts, Dungeon Meshi, Witch Hat Atelier, Higurashi & Umineko, Cardcaptor Sakura, xxxHolic & Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, and Tokyo Mew Mew! I have a big soft spot for RWBY.
➤ If you like my work and want to help support me + my household (my beloved partner, my metamour, and our 3 cats!), please consider commissioning or tossing a tip!
We're not in danger but money is tight and more would contribute greatly to mental health, cat caretaking, emergency savings, quality/enjoyment of life, and just more financial padding in general.

✿ To be announced: ? ✿
Once I feel comfortable enough, I'd like to open a shop and sell stickers!
However, that time may not be soon. I'll post on Twitter when there's updates.
Thank you for your patience. ^w^
My ideas for stickers are a whole lot of cute chibis!
I'd love to make some for Tokyo Mew Mew, Arknights, and other series I love.
But the main thing I really want to draw stickers for are Magia Record's cute outfits!

Commission Information
Commissions are: CLOSED (0 slots)
Status tracking: Trello
Please see VGen for chibi commissions
Terms of Service & Process
You agree to my terms of service and accept responsibility for it when you order a commission.
➤ Commissions are not first come first serve, slots are limited, and I do not automatically accept every application. I will personally choose what I want to work on and when. Please have patience.
➤ If your application is not accepted due to lack of slots but I do have interest in fulfilling your order, then I will add you to my waiting list and reach out to you the next time I have slots.
➤ I might take a while to complete a commission. Please be patient, I will get back to you when I can.
➤ Reach out to me for progress shots beyond the sketch stage.
➤ I retain the right to post WIPs and the finished illustrations on my social medias, personal websites, and the like.
- Submit an application through my Google Form.
- Submit more than one if you want multiple characters drawn but on separate canvases.
- I will email back every application with my decision regarding the commission.
- Accepted applications will receive an email from me containing any questions I might have, and I will verify the price with you.
- When the rough sketch is ready, I will email it. Once approved, I will then confirm the price with you one more time and send the invoice + ask for payment.
- Once your commission is finished, I will email you the completed image file(s).
- Full payment must be sent after you approve the sketch. I will not continue working until payment is received.
- Currently I only accept PayPal (USD) as the payment method. But you can choose to fulfill it through Ko-fi if you want. I will still send a Paypal invoice for my records.
- Please keep in mind that an additional cost of $20-60 USD may be added depending on the complexity and details of your request.
- You may use the artwork for any non commercial personal use (such as avatar, background, displayed on your profile, reposted to your profile, etc).
- You are not allowed to profit off of the artwork or use it for any commercial purposes.
- Do not claim my art as your own. Please credit me or link back to the original piece, when possible.
- NFTs or anything involving blockchain technology or cryptocurrency are strictly forbidden.
- In the case that you break any of the above, I immediately gain full ownership of the finished commissions from you and you will be blacklisted.
- I reserve the right to drop a commission at any time. A full refund will be issued.
- If I have not made it past the sketching phase yet, you may request a partial refund (80%).
- Finished commissions and ones far in progress are non-refundable.
Will Draw
Tasteful / artistic nudity (only for 18+ characters)Mild gore (i.e. blood, scar, bruises)People with animal features (i.e. animal ears, tails)Some animals (I'm inexperienced, but if you really want me to then send an application and I'll consider it. I'm open to cats, dogs, and other small critters, but anything else is shaky.)
Won't Draw
Real living people (unless they are yourself or people you personally know)NSFW or extreme fetish art Cyborg / Mecha (I'm inexperienced, but if you really want me to then I'll consider it.)Furry (I'm inexperienced, but if you really want me to then I'll consider it.)Offensive content / overly sensitive or overly dark themes (this primarily applies to things like bigotry and hatespeech, or intense gore. If you're concerned, we can talk about it.)